Why vitamins D3 and K2 work so well together

Thursday 16th December 2021

Both vitamins D3 and K2 are fat-soluble vitamins, meaning that these vitamins are absorbed and transported by the body in a similar way to fats. One of the roles of these two vitamins is to support the body when utilising calcium, strengthening our bones and protecting our hearts.


Vitamin D3, the most consumed vitamin

Vitamin D popularity has increased over the last months, achieving to be the most popular food supplement in the UK according to the Health on the Nation Survey, 2021[1]. This is also because the NHS recommends adults and children to consume vitamin D, especially during autumn and winter. Moreover, there have been some reports about vitamin D reducing the risk of COVID-19, which can be found on the NHS website[2].




Vitamin K2, the unknown vitamin with impressive benefits

However, vitamin K2 is a hot vitamin, researched by the only world leader of Vitamin K2, NattoPharma. This new vitamin contributes to coagulation and is essential in building and maintaining strong bones, as well as supporting the transportation of calcium to the arteries and blood vessels.

Read more about the benefits of this amazing vitamin on our blog



The reason why Vitamin D3 and K2 should always go together

Vitamin D3 and K2 have been found to be some of the few vitamins that better work together. After much scientifical research developed on the synergy between Vitamin D3 and Vitamin K2,  NattoPharma has confirmed that ‘supplements with D3 should always include vitamin K2 for the best health outcome[1]’ to avoid poor bone quality and higher fracture risk.

AvaCare takes very seriously the research developed by leaders like NattoPharma, reason why we created our D3 products in conjunction with Vitamin K2. We predict that, in a few years any serious Vitamin D product will also contain Vitamin K2.


AvaCare D3 and K2 products include D3+K2 Child and D3+K2 Adult


[1] https://menaq7.com/bettertogether/

[1] https://hfma.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/hfm_health-of-the-nation_17.pdf

[2] https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/vitamins-and-minerals/vitamin-d/


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