AvaCare Export

Welcome to Avacare’s export enquiries

Hey there, fellow health enthusiasts! Ready to dive into the world of Avacare and our awesome liquid-based vitamin supplements for kids and families? Buckle up, because we’re about to take your wellness journey to a whole new level!

Why Avacare?

First things first, why choose Avacare? Well, because we’re not your average vitamin brand! Our liquid supplements are like a magical potion of goodness, packed with all the essential vitamins and minerals your little ones need to thrive. Plus, they taste absolutely delicious! No more battles at vitamin time—your kids will be begging for more!

What Makes Us Awesome?

Let’s talk about what sets us apart, shall we? Avacare isn’t just about selling supplements; it’s about creating a community of health-conscious families who want the best for their kids. Our liquid formulas are super convenient and easy to take, making it a breeze to keep your family healthy on-the-go.

Why Export with Us?

Now, here’s where things get exciting! We’re on a mission to spread the love of Avacare far and wide. Whether you’re a retailer, distributor, or just someone with a passion for promoting wellness, we want to partner with you to make it happen! Let’s team up and make a positive impact on families around the globe.

Get in Touch!

So, ready to jump on board the Avacare train? Heck yeah, you are! Visit our Contact Us to get in touch with our export team. We’re here to answer all your questions, chat about potential partnerships, and make magic happen together.


Here’s to a world of happy, healthy families—thanks to Avacare!